sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

[How-to] Backdoor + DDNS + VM as server

This day I played with ¿Backdoor?, As I notices a principal module for creating a secure channel for communication between server<>client is outdated and don't work with lates version of python Crypto library (missed Iniciacion Vector in AES implementation), so I work for the update full this script to python 2.7.x and updated parts with AES encryption, so soon I hope I will send updated source to author and he will update it, and small bug fixes :)

But return to the initial theme, as I see many of the people have the problem with connections between DDNS(example: no-ip.com) with forwarding traffic from the router to the virtual machine.

After a bit of research I get the solution.

For start by parts:
1) How to Create a Free Redirect Domain With No IP

2) IMPORTANT: Set your virtual machine static ip address  and put this machine in DMZ, and configure network card in bridge mode, for get the same ip range what and the rest of machines on your lan.

3) Set Up Port Forwarding on a Router

Finally as you can see everything work perfect :)

Best regards :)

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